Rev. Dr. Lenny Luchetti has been serving in ministry since he was 23 years of age as a pastor and preaching professor. Lenny is a popular speaker at camps, colleges, conferences and churches. He has written four books and numerous articles to serve the church. His passion is to make Jesus famous and empower people to live into the God-saturated life.  

Overcoming Spiritual Slump (Seedbed, Spring 2021)

These are challenging times when the Christian’s appetite to be with God through prayer and Scripture, and to live for God through trust and obedience, diminish like air slowly leaking from a tire. You are vulnerable to old temptations you thought were in the past and new ones that pop up like moles you’re not fast enough to whack!

You are not alone, even though few have the language or the courage to talk about their struggle. You are not stuck, even though you feel neck deep in mud. There is a way out of the staleness, the stagnancy, the slump! God has given us tools for overcoming the slump that can make our lives more vibrant and meaningful than before we even got stuck.

Preaching with Empathy: Crafting Sermons in a Callous Culture (Abingdon Press, Fall 2018)

Preachers can find help from many resources to get the text right, the structure right, and the delivery right. Preaching with Empathy aims to help preachers and homiletics students learn to deeply understand and love their listeners, in order to get preaching right.

Preachers who profess a love for God, Scripture, and preaching, but who lack loving empathy for the listener, betray their three professed loves and limit their fruitfulness in ministry. This book teaches how to practice preaching in new ways, incorporating a heightened awareness and empathy for the people in the preacher’s community. 

True Depth: Moving Beyond Cultural Churchianity (Wesley Press, August 2015)

Many of us sincerely wade around in what church culture popularly defines as discipleship. But we are discontent with only splashing about in the miles-wide, ankle-deep shores of faith.

If we look to the horizon of history, of the Gospels and the early church, we can see wonderful mystery out there. We sense there must be more to spiritual formation than mere performance, study, and the gaining of knowledge.

*Preaching Essentials: A Practical Guide (Wesley Press, May 2012)

Preaching Essentials offers new and seasoned preachers a comprehensive, practical perspective on preaching to a new generation. Short, easy-to-read chapters cover topics like the rationale for preaching, importance of context, process of preparation, mechanics of presentation, discipline of planning, and development of a growth plan. Luchetti offers plenty of fresh insights–like using story, imagination, and mind-mapping–and suggests new habits that can reenergize your preaching.

*Recognized as one of the best books on preaching by Outreach Magazine and Preaching Magazine.

“Lenny has a passion for preaching that will inspire you to take the next step in your relationship with Christ and at the same time help you to become a better preacher.”

Rev. Zack Langford

Pastor, Garrison Hills Wesleyan Church, Battle Creek, MI